TN Seal for 1875 $20 NBN back

Chattanooga National Bank
Proof Notes

Chattanooga Money Overview
National Bks
State Banks
List of
NB Notes
List of
NB Notes
NB Notes

American NB Chattanooga NB Citizens NB City NB Commercial NB
notes checks notes checks notes no checks notes checks notes checks

First NB Fourth NB Hamilton NB Merchants NB Third NB
notes checks notes checks notes checks notes checks notes checks

Proof Sheets of National Banks from Chattanooga

The "National Numismatic Collection" at the Smithsonian has proof sheets from the most of the large size notes including all denominations, types, all plates, and sheet configurations from all 14,000+ national banks that issued notes. These proof sheets bear the initials and signatures of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) who approved the sheet before it was used. The date of final approval was also included on the bottom margin of the proof sheet next to the approval.

You can determine approximately when your large size Chattanooga National Bank note was printed by matching the appropriate proof sheet. The note was printed somewhat after the date the proof sheet was authorized. Find the appropriate proof sheet from the complete listing of the Chattanooga proof sheets and choose the link that matches your note's type, denomination & plate letter.

The BEP starting saving these proof sheets when they took over printing from the three private companies that printed all nationals prior to 1875. The three companies printed the Original Series notes. The $1 and $2 notes printing was shared by the American and National Bank Co. The $5 Original series notes were printed by the Continental Bank Note Co. The American Bank Note Co printed $10, $20, $50 and $100 Original Series. The $500 and $1000 notes were printed by the National Bank Notes Co. The BEP printed the Treasure seal and the Treasury serial number on the notes before they were sent to the individual national banks.

All of the proof sheets that are in the National Numismatic Collection from the Chattanooga National banks were scanned at 300 dpf in color (they my come up slowly because of the high resolution) with the assistance and over site of Jim Hughes, Associate Curator. These scans are linked from the Proof Sheet Listing.

Highlights of these sheets include:
1st NB. Date on note - batch date Jan 1, 1866
      Note: American Bank Note on border of plate.
      Note 2: Plate rejected for "the" too small

1st NB. Date on note - re-charter date Oct 26, 1885 (chartered Oct 25, 1865)

1st NB. BEP replaces ABN in note frame

1st NB, first red seal plate has plate letters ABC $10 & A $20

1st NB, first date back plate has plate letters EFGH after last red seal of ABCD $5
      vs. starting with ABCD as normal for a new type
      Note date back notes backed by other securities as well as bonds vs bonds only

1st NB. When plates wear with use they are re-entered for continued use
      A softened steel cylinder that was rolled at high pressure over the original plate to pick up
      the plate details and then hardened is used to re-engrave the plate.
      Re-entering details restored OKed.

This 1st NB plate was re-entered a second time.
      Multiple steel cylinders used one for each design element.

3rd NB only used 2 plates Plate 1)1875 $10 / $20 plate
      Note batch date, Nov 10, 1881 used vs charter Sep 2, 1881.
      Note 2: ABN imprint in edge design and BEP imprint top left.
      Means plate transferred ABN -> BEP, BEP added imprint and printed it.

3rd NB only used 2 plates Plate 2)1881 $10 / $20 plate
      Note date, Aug 01, 1901 used vs should be re-charter date of Sep 3, 1901.
      Note 2: BEP imprint in edge design replaces ABN

Chattanooga National only used 2 plates 1)this $5 plate
      Note charter date, May 2, 1887 used.

Chattanooga National only used 2 plates 2)this $50 / $100 plate
      Note $50 / $100 plate is 2 vs normal 4 note sheet. Note 2: batch date Oct 30, 1891 used.

4th NB only used one plate; 1882 Brown Back $10 / $20 plate

The $5 Hamilton NB plate letters ran through the alphabet and as usual went to AA BB CC DD.
      The 1902 series starting with red seal ABCD, Date Back & Plain Back EFGH, PB IJKL, MNOP, QRST, UVWX.

The $10 / $20 Hamilton NB plate letters ran through the alphabet ending with $10 WVX & $20 H.
      The next plate letters for the $10s AA BB CC & $20 plate I were not needed.

The only Citizens NB 1902 $5 plate was used for date back and then plain back notes.

The only Citizens NB 1902 $10 / $20 plate was used for date back and then plain back notes.

The only Citizens NB 1902 $10 / $20 plate was used for date back and then plain back notes.

Since there are not any $1 / $2 proof notes from Chattanooga
this German NB proof from Memphis is shown.

      Only 1st and City NB of Chattanooga issued $1 / $2 notes.

Since there are not any $5 proof notes from Chattanooga
this German NB proof from Memphis is shown.

      Only 1st and City NB of Chattanooga issued $5 Original Series notes.

The back of the Original Series uses the state seal on the back at left.

Listing Chattanooga NB Proof Sheets

Chattanooga Money Overview
National Bks
State Banks
List of
NB Notes
List of
NB Notes
NB Notes

American NB Chattanooga NB Citizens NB City NB Commercial NB
notes checks notes checks notes no checks notes checks notes checks

First NB Fourth NB Hamilton NB Merchants NB Third NB
notes checks notes checks notes checks notes checks notes checks

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