City of Chattanooga Scrip

Chattanooga Money City Scrip Overview 1850s City Scrip 1870s City Scrip Quick find - List Bibliography

City Scrip Issued during the Civil War

Corporation of Chattanooga
The first note is totally printed in black on the front and dated August 7,1861 under act of July 10,1861 with a red flag on the back. The note comes with and without a red serial number. The second note has a blue front and was hand numbered signed and dated with the denomination on the back. It was dated June 1861, but above it is printed "Issued under the Act of the Corporation Of Chattanooga, August 15,1861. The notes are signed by a president and c.c., not a mayor and treasurer. These are probably not Chattanooga issues, but possibly could have been a splinter issue. Tennessee voted to leave the Union on June 8, 1861, but Hamilton County voted against it even though Chattanooga voted to leave. Hamilton County was the most Southern County to vote to remain in the Union. This led to conflict in the county. As a result many residents fled north. The low denomination notes, with a $5 redemption, may have been issued to defraud the public. Garland's book indicates these maybe fantasy notes. The second note printed in blue is much scarcer (R-14).

$0.15 G-1297 Corporation Chattanooga

$0.15 Corporation Chattanooga, Train in oval G-1297

$0.15 G-1297 Corporation Chattanooga back

$0.15 Corporation Chattanooga, back vignette G-1297

$0.15 G-1297 Siezed at Portroyal Bill Swafford II back

$0.15 Corporation Chattanooga, back with note Siezed at Port royal
The Battle of Port Royal was one of the earliest amphibious operations of the Civil War, in which a United States Navy fleet and United States Army expeditionary force captured Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, on November 8, 1861.
from Bill Swafford II

$0.15 G-1297A Corporation Chattanooga

$0.15 Corporation Chattanooga, Train & Hunter G-1297A

$0.15 G-1297A Corporation Chattanooga back

$0.15 Corporation Chattanooga, back G-1297A

Chattanooga Money City Scrip Overview 1850s City Scrip 1870s City Scrip Quick find - List Bibliography

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