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Chattanooga, Coupons, Certificates & Advertising Notes

Chattanooga Money Overview Wood Celebration Scrip Profit Sharing Coupon Grocery Certificate Advertising Certificate List - Quick Find

Discount Certificates

Detrick Distilling Co
Detrick Distilling Co. created 12 different motto jugs about 3 ½ inches high to give away as a promotional items around 1900. The Dayton, Ohio, company gave a free jug when a customer bought a gallon of its liquor. The jugs were made with two different tops. The 12 mottos included such familiar sayings as "A friend in need is a friend indeed" or "To err is human, to forgive divine." There were others that were more related to drinks in a bar, such as "Rye on Toast" or "If you try me once, you will try me again." Beacon Journal 10/12/2002

The Detrick Distilling Co. sent out order forms to customers and offered coupons for $0.50 off for a list of three friends addresses. A complete promotional package from 1911 is shown.

Detrick Distilling Co 4 Qts $0.50 off

Detrick Distilling Co Friend's Certificate face,
Dayton, OH & Chattanooga, TN, G-1870

The Cheap Store

Detrick Distilling Co Friend's Certificate back,
Dayton, OH & Chattanooga, TN, G-1870

Detrick Distilling Co Merchandise Cert face

Detrick Distilling Co Merchandise Certificate face,
Dayton, OH & Chattanooga, TN, G-1871

Detrick Distilling Co Merchandise Cert back

Detrick Distilling Co Merchandise Certificate back,
Dayton, OH & Chattanooga, TN, G-1871

Vogt-Applegate Co.

Vogt-Applegate profit sharing certificate

Vogt-Applegate profit sharing certificate, G-1874

Vogt-Applegate profit sharing certificate

Vogt-Applegate profit sharing certificate, back , G-1874

Scott Price Distillery
The Scott Price Distillery is listed from 1912 to 1915 (or later). The Chattanooga directories also list a Lookout Distilling Co., first appearing in 1878 and surviving until 1909. The street address was 1 E Montgomery Ave, NE cor Cowart. Presumably this was the same operation? Reference

Scott Price Distillary 1 Qt

Scott Price Distillary Coupon for free quart,
Chattanooga, TN, G-1876

Scott Price Distillary 1 Qt back

Scott Price Distillary Coupon for free quart, back
Chattanooga, TN, G-1876

Chattanooga Money Overview Wood Celebration Scrip Profit Sharing Coupon Grocery Certificate Advertising Certificate List - Quick Find

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